we are a major trading company in the Oil and Gas and Petrochemical in world wide . we activity in three categories and we delivery this products in FOB or others place in world wide.
This company products are markets based on the three categories:
1- Oil products
2- Gas products( LPG, LNG,...)
3-Petrochemical products( LL, HD,...)
Scop export:
China, India, Uae, Turkey, Turkmenstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azarbayjan, Africa, Europe, Asia, etc
Product purchasing procedure from TIAC.CO:
1- Sending letter of intent(LOI)by buyer
2- Quary of customer BCL by the seller
3- Providing SCO by the buyer and send specification
4- Verifying SCO by The buyer and specification
5- Contract between the seller and buyer
6- Opening L/C or submit B/G by buyer to seller
7- Fulfilment of purchasing steps and delivery product to customer
8- Delivery cargo and selling D/O between seller and buyer
9- Cargo clearance and bureaucratic measures for financial process to pay contract price
If you wish to know more, please contact me at